Thursday, January 15, 2015

Utah Car Cents Audio 1/11/2015




Car Cents.


Here's Audio from Saturday's show 1/11/2015.


Download us on iTunes here!

Monday, January 5, 2015

Hyundai's Exobaby

Have you seen this?

This Hyundai Ad has gone viral on social media,  with over 14 million views on Youtube.   The baby's exosuit in the ad symbolizes Hyundai's new in car safety tech that detects irregularities on the road. It looks to be another set up like Subaru's eyesight.  It's a bit odd, or... Creepy.  How does this make you feel?

Friday, January 2, 2015

Utah Car Cents Gas Tip

See a tanker at the gas station?  Keep Driving...

We have spoken about this from time to time on the Radio Show and Podcast, but we thought this a great tip for the blog as well. Gasoline goes through quite the refining process, but small particles still make through from time to time and eventually build up.  In turn, these particles can eventually end up in your own gas tank and cause problems. These problems can become a serious issue when it comes time to refill that gas tank of yours. Filters become clogged,  fuel gets cut off and engines can misfire. 

When the giant tanks at the gas station are replenished, all the new fuel coming in stirs up the sediment at the bottom, which then makes it easier to get into your tank.  So if you are in need of gas and see a tanker at the station, wait a bit or keep on driving.  Once the new fuel has been replaced and has settled, all the gunk will end up on the bottom of the tank again, making it much harder to find its way into your car.